Sunday Spankings

I went to go see David today. I care so deeply for him. As I told  you before, he used to be my disciplinarian. We hung out, had some kiss/cuddle/good ole make-out time, and lots of time to catch up on new and old business. Then he talked to me about what happened just before I left his discipline to be with Jason... an act of impulsiveness that cost me my job. He told me that I had deserved a spanking for that, but he hadn't given it to me since I was so upset and beside myself. He explained that he was going to spank me for it today, to remind me of the importance of not being impulsive, being professional at all times, and not discussing clients with other coworkers, even with the best intentions.
We were laying on the bed talking, so he gently pushed me onto my stomach and lowered my jeans. Then he started with medium-hard hand swats over my panties. Hard enough that I felt them, but not hard enough to make me cry out or anything. He gently talked to me about why I was being spanked, what he wanted me to focus on, and the purpose he wanted the spanking to serve. It was a proper warm up. After a bit, he pulled down my panties and increased the force of the hand spanks on my bare bottom. I was "oouchh"ing and trying to stay focused.
He stopped, then moved to a small paddle and spanked hard lots of times, I wasn't keeping count. He continued to talk, and I met every question with a "Yes, Sir!" Yes, I was learning my lesson. Yes, I was going to keep a civil tongue from that moment on. He then pulled my panties down past my thighs. I buried my head in the blanket, knowing this was going to be bad.
He took a leather strap and started in, hard, on my sit spots. I started verbalizing "I'm sorry, I got it, I learned! Ouch!!" It was very painful but not unbearably so.
He stopped after a little while. It wasn't over the top horrible like it often was with J. My fight-or-flight didn't kick in, I wasn't freaking out. But it was a sound spanking and I'm still feeling the effects of it.
So he rubbed my bottom for a while and we talked. I thanked him for the spanking. It was so different, I didn't feel angry that it was too hard. I didn't feel, like I often do with J, that the spanking wasn't long enough but I'm in too much pain to ask for more. I need a medium force, longer spanking so I can really process and think and feel. When the spanking is too hard, its more of a "hang on for dear life" than a time to process and experience.
I realized what I need from a spanking nd how I need it to go, in order to get the best from it.
Anyway, my eldest is sick and I am dog-tired, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight!


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