4 spankings in one day!

Today has not been a good day. From the time J arrived at my house at 3:30, til he left at 8, I was spanked 4 times! Not little swats... full on bare-bottom, over the bed spankings.
The first one was for not doing as I was told. He asked me to look for something and I forgot. He decided some time with the paddle will help me remember next time.
Then I was playing around and swatted him hard on the leg with a wooden spoon. This was disrespectful and earned me a session with the devil loop. OUCH
Then I got spanked for not cleaning the kitchen after dinner..
And right after that I got a doozy because I lied to him earlier today. Because I confessed it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but I am SO sore now.
And discouraged. I think I'm a pretty good, responsible adult, but FOUR spankings in one day?
Some days I wonder if I will ever get to the point where spankings are rare.
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