No pun intended! lol So today I saw J, for the third time since "it all" happened. He brought by some stuff for my sick daughter, and I gave him the items he'd left behind at my house. It was awkward to say the least. Then we were outside and talking when I kicked his butt playfully. He bent me over with my hands on the seat of his car and swatted my butt over my pants a few times, I was still laughing. Then he pulled my pants down a bit and gave me a swat on my bare butt, then quickly pulled my pants back up. I hugged him and we moved on to other conversation. But now that he's gone, I am thinking. I didn't feel "it". The submissive thrill, the feelings, the.. anything. I expected to feel it, I used to fieel it, but now, I didn't. So I figured I needed to come out and be honest. So I was. I told him I didn't feel for him like I used to. I told him that I was not going to use his sperm for my next child, and was brutally honest as to ...
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