This weekend Pt 2

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Okay back to regular programming, lol.

So the next morning I got up and spent some time with J and my parents. We talked about anything and everything. I have this problem where I get upset when anyone tries to tell me how to parent my kids or gives me more advice than I want (which is pretty much none). So my mom started trying to tell me that my son's bedwetting problem was psychological, a viewpoint she has voiced MANY times before and that I have told her is incorrect. I got frustrated and huffy with her. She got offended and went to her room to calm down.
J told me that my mom was trying to help me and I WOULD be respectful. He got the loopy out and took advantage of the empty living room to spank me. It hurt a lot and I almost cried. I promised him I would be respectful.
A couple of hours later, my mom was again stressed and went to her room to calm down. I was frustrated by her (but not disrespectful) and asked J for a spanking. Yup, ASKED. Crazy lady I am! He obliged and took me to the bathroom and spanked me with the lexan paddle. I cried a lot and he held me and told me everything was okay.
I got two more spankings for attitude that day, and went to bed REALLY sore.

The next morning, we got up and got ready to leave. Everything was going great, until my mom started telling me I needed to call the school every tuesday and ask if they could take my son to their daycare. Something she keeps telling me. I tried to not show how irritated I was, but I let out this deep sigh and she instantly stopped talking. I apologized, but she froze and wouldn't finish.
I looked at J and his face was stern. He pointed to the bathroom. I squeaked, "Yes, Sir" and led the way to the bathroom, J with the lexan paddle in his hand. When we got there, I said, "But she's always saying that!" He said firmly, "You WILL respect your mother." Then he had me put my hands on the side of the tub and lowered my skirt and panties. He spanked me HARD and for what felt like forever. I was crying and begging him to stop and telling him I learned the lesson. I was super embarassed because I KNEW my parents could hear the whole thing. He finished, quickly hugged me and directed me to go apologize to my mom. I went out, trying not to cry, almost ran to my mom and apologized. She gave me a big, warm hug and gently told me she forgave me. My dad, who had been quiet up until then, quietly said that maybe my mother could make the phone calls for me. I gratefully accepted and peace was restored.
I sat back by J and he whispered, "I forgive you." My heart flooded with love and even though my butt was sore my heart was light.

Shortly afterward, it was time to leave. We packed up and headed out. I sat on that sore butt the entire 4 hours home. Boy did I ever learn that weekend!


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