This weekend Part 1

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So we went to see my parents this weekend and it was super eventful, DD wise.. so I will break it into several parts.
On Friday, J and I left the kids with their dad and went to see my parents. I was in a terrible mood and was quite defiant. J made it clear that such behavior would NOT be acceptable, but I kept pushing limits. He told me if I did it again, he would pull over at a rest stop and spank me. I didn't believe him and kept being defiant.
He pulled over at a rest stop, parked as far away from others as possible. He got out, got a paddle from our luggage and returned to the car. He told me to flip over in my seat, and luckily allowed me to keep my skirt down and panties up. He began paddling, HARD and in no time I was apologizing and telling him I learned my lesson and begging him to stop. He went on for a little while, then asked me what I had learned. I told him, "I will be respectful, Sir, I PROMISE!!!" (he doesn't stop paddling when asking me questions, so he usually gets quick and respectful answers, lol).
There was one other incident when we were stuck in traffic where I smartmouthed and he told me to flip over again. He paddled me as we crawled down the road, lol. It was quick and I finally stopped pushing the limits.
We got to my parents and unloaded the car. My parents, as I have said before, are DD supportive. I whispered to my mom that I was on nightly reminders due to bad behavior, and she assured me that they would go to their room early and turn the TV on loud, since we were staying in the living room.
I got my reminder that night and we tucked in. Little did I know how much spanking would happen the next day.......


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