The past few days

Have been pretty quiet. Well, maybe not? IDK. On Saturday we had a busy day that started at 9am and ended after 11pm, and involved us driving over 250 miles! We went back and forth through our state, visiting various family members, dropping kids off all over the place, and trying to keep our sanity. I only got one VERY small spanking (like 2 swats) to remind me to calm down at one point. We really had no privacy for anything else.
Sunday J came over and the house he had so carefully cleaned was kind of messy. So he re-cleaned it and then spanked me for the mess. Sunday was a very spank-y day, as J re-affirmed roles and got me out of the funk I was in from the previous day, and helped me avoid a HUGE blow up with my mom over differences in parenting. She has strong opinions and sometimes rubs me the wrong way... this was a major instance of that "sometimes."
We had a medical scare last night with me. It turned out fine but really rocked J to his core. It reminded me that sometimes it's the TiH that has to be strong, has to reassure the HoH and remind him that all is good and he is an amazing leader. Last night and today have been my times for that.
Anyway, nothing super exciting going on here. What was your weekend like?
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