The last few days, J has been unable to come over and spend much time with us, because of a knee injury that prevents him from driving much. I have communicated with him through text and frequent phone calls.
Tonight, my mom and I got in a bit of a tiff over my proposed plans for the weekend. She gave her final word on what she expected me to do, which is her place as she is my mother. I argued with her, as I did not feel that she understood what was really going on. She messaged J and let him know what she expected.
He called me and I went over what I said to her. Once he found out I had argued and talked back, he immediately made the 20 minute drive to my house.
Once he was there, he had me show him the conversation online, went over how I had been disrespectful, and put me over the end of the bed to spank me. He made it clear that I should have stopped talking with my mom when it became an argument and let him handle it.
He used the cane and the loopy, then put me over his knee and used the horrible wooden paddle. I began crying, which is pretty new for me as I never used to. I told him I was sorry, and he said that he would spank me until HE was done, not until I was done. I begged and cried, but tried to submit.
Over and over in my head I thought, "Submit. Submit. Submit!" I did my very best.
Afterward, he hugged and kissed me, and told me that he forgave me. He told me that since this was the 3rd time we had addressed this in the last week, the next time I argued or was disrespectful to my mother, he would use the "devil loop." I said, "Yes, Sir."
I then asked him if I could send my mom one last message to apologize. He said I could.
We cuddled for a while and then he went home.
I took my meds, wrote my apology to my mom, and am now resting in bed with a sore butt, processing what happened.
What did I learn today? RESPECT will be had.
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