Today's blog

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I went to work late as I had some stuff to attend to. Then J messaged me and asked me if I had left the house unlocked so he could go over. I had not. He came to work, got the key, went to my house, let himself in and cleaned the house for me.
When I got home, I was unusually tired so he had me lay down while he cleaned. The kids came home and he got them to clean their rooms. Everyone kept coming in and out of my room and I didn't get any rest.
I got up and J and I cleaned my room. Then I rested for a bit and made dinner. After dinner, I went to lay down and he said I had to sit with him. I was tired and did not feel good, so I called him a "vaca" jokingly. He came in and put me over the end of the bed, pulled down my panties and started spanking me with his hand, hard. He asked me repeatedly what that meant, and I  kept telling him it meant "wonderful boyfriend." Which, um, it does not. He kept spanking me and demanded that I tell him.
I told him the truth, that it means, "cow". He got up, grabbed the wooden paddle, held me down and went to town on my already sore butt. I yelped and cried out, promising to never do it again and PLEASE would he stop. At first he said, "No, you haven't learned your lesson." I assured him over and over that I had learned my lesson. He finally stopped, and told me to get up. I sniffed and said, "Yes, Sir." I got up and he enveloped me in his big, strong arms, holding me close and rubbing my bottom gently. He looked into my eyes and said, "That is disrespectful. Do not say that." I immediately answered, "Yes, Sir." He kissed me and that was that. Over.
Shortly afterward he noticed I really wasn't feeling good, so sent me for a shower and to go to bed. And that's where I am now. Typing this while waiting for my meds to kick in.

See, that's DD for you. An issue comes up, it is dealt with, kisses and forgiveness, and we just move on. No hard feelings, no arguing, just calm and peace.


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