
     Today was the last day of summer vacation. The kids and I hung out around the house, sleeping lots and not doing much. We took a trip to the store. I took my son to soccer practice, to find out it had been cancelled without notice. Such a bummer! J came over after work. He walked in and asked me if I wanted him to cook dinner. Swoon! I told him I had it under control, and he settled on the couch to play video games with my son while I cooked bacon & eggs.
      In the middle of cooking, my daughter did something unacceptable and I had to deal with it. I asked J to keep an eye on the bacon, and went and dealt with it. I was disgruntled, frustrated and off my game afterward. I grumpily made dinner but was too upset to eat. J said he was waiting for me to eat dinner. I told him I wasn't hungry. He raised his eyebrow and asked me if I was cooking enough for me later. I turned, jiggled my belly and said, "Does THIS look like I have missed many meals?" This is a big no-no, as J HATES any comments I make about my weight. He accepts and adores every last inch of me.
     He gave me "that look" stood up and pointed at the bedroom. I turned the burner off, moved the pan, and followed without a word. He pointed to the bed, and I laid over the end of it. I am not allowed to watch him get implements out of the drawer, so I stared forward as he opened the implement drawer behind me. He came up, raised my skirt, lowered my panties and WHACK he whooped me with a loop of thin tubing I HATE. He uses it because it is quiet (although I am not, lol) and can be done with kids in the next room. I jumped and tried to hold position. He did it again and before I could stop myself I was begging him to stop or do it softer or... I don't know.
   He said, "Why are you getting this?" I thought it was because I had been rude. Nope. He reminded me of how I jiggled my belly and how such put-downs were unacceptable. I said, "Yes, Sir, I'm sorry, Sir." He said, "2 more good ones..." and gave  me two more HARD licks. I screamed into the pile of blankets. I started babbling, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I will never do it again." He held me, kissed me and said he forgave me, and that was that.
After dinner, we went for a walk with the kids. Afterward, he had to go, since he had to get up early for work. We watched tv for a bit, put the kids to bed.. kissed me and was on his way.
Where the tubing hit is still red and swollen and HURTS. But I am so loved. I know that he will not allow me to do anything that could damage myself, my family or our relationship in any way.


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