
Image result for go pick a switch

This weekend, J and I took the kids to see my parents, a few hours away. The kids and I slept on the floor in the living room of their tiny house, and J slept in a tent outside, due to a lack of space.
My parents support our DD dynamic, so they were happy to watch the kids inside while J took me to the tent for corrections. He brought implements, and tore my butt up friday night for my attitude.
I tried to do better, but we got in a tiff and I took off when he told me not to leave. He got mad. We both calmed down and he got the devil loop and lit into my butt. I was bawling by the time he was done.
Today, Sunday, I have not gotten any spankings, other than a few hard ones with his hand over my skirt for standing on top of the railing of a 7 story building and balancing on it. LOL. I like to walk on the wild side! :)
My rear end is sore and covered in welts from a very firmly applied cane and devil loop from my correction Saturday night. It was so embarrassing to get my butt handed to me and then have to go inside, face streaked with tears, to THANK my parents for watching the kids while J roasted my rear.

Today, something else happened that was embarrassing. Around our house, we only have weeping willows. They do not make good switches. My dad and mom talked with J about how good it would be for him to have a switch. Their house is home to many maple trees. My dad started giving J tips for making a good switch, and he cut at least a dozen to take home with us. A DOZEN! It was so, so embarrassing to have him sitting on the deck, chatting away with my parents while whittling down a maple switch, with me having to sit there and watch him, keenly aware of what he was going to do with them.
I hate switches. The pain is so intense and stingy. He used one over the seat of my skirt friday night and left me with welts THROUGH my clothes. I am dreading an encounter with the switches.
Okay, I am tired and its late. If you read my posts, try commenting! I like to know that someone is reading.


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