
Image result for spanking and stuff

We have progressed well together as a couple and in our DD since my last post. J is coming into a family, I mean, I have 2 kids I have raised by myself for 7 years... so we are a family unit. He is coming into that. My son LOVES him and is nothing but happy. He loves having a man around the house, and J is so hands on. He helps them, gets them to help out, plays constantly, but guides as well. He is a great guy. My daughter is, well, slower to accept him. She likes him okay, but is more resistant to having someone join our family. It has been tougher with her. She likes to stay in her room and read, play on her kindle and veg. She leaves her door open at my request, and I have noticed him popping in there from time to time, just to say "Hi." He also figured out her favorite show is Big Bang Theory, so he will turn that on in order to coax her out of her room. I have been assured that the bond will come, in time. She's at a difficult age.

Okay, okay, you say, but what about SPANKING!?!

There has been plenty of that! lol.
Ranging from a few swats on my skirted bottom for sass, to full on tears/hollering punishments for things. I got my last serious spanking about a week ago, for telling him he didn't love me and he didn't want me. I struggle with insecurity, but turns out, so does he. And when I tell him things like that, it scares him. So I really damaged our relationship with my comments. I was duly corrected. He held me over his knee, with the other leg over mine, and let me have it with a very ouchy wooden paddle. I hollered and begged, but he did not let me up until he was sure I had learned; and almost all the swats were on my thighs. OUCH! I also got plenty with the loopy, the devil loop (thats what i call it), the cane, etc. It was a long, painful lesson. My thighs were black and blue for days. Still have the bruises but they are healing. It was warranted.

We have also started nightly maintenance, kinda by accident. One night, I was feeling super stressed and he was too. He brought me in the room and laid me on the bed, bared my bottom and started spanking with light-to-medium force. I cried because I needed to, but it wasn't horribly painful. Then he did a couple of good swats on each cheek. Then we loved on each other.

The next night, we were kissing and I flopped on the bed, tummy down. He spanked with his hand a bit, then moved to implements, a repeat of last night. We've been doing it for about 4 nights, and although it has moments of intensity, it has been good and such a stress reliever for us both.

We've been doing it now for about 4 days.

He has also spanked me in front of the kids quite a bit, which I wasn't comfortable with at first, but they seem to have accepted it. Nothing kinky, no bared bottoms or anything... just a few hand swats on my skirt for getting out of line. It has helped because we don't have to store it all up for one big punishment at the end of the day, and I can get a warning pretty easily.

Okay, I think that's all. If you read this, give me some love! lol


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