
Showing posts from November, 2017


I know I haven't written much lately.. or at all. J and I are struggling to stay afloat right now. We are dealing with some boundary issues, some religion issues, some compatibility issues. It seems that we have rushed into this relationship and are now realizing how many "steps" we skipped. I don't know if we are going to "make it" or not. Time will tell. My parents are helping us a lot, which is a good thing, as they have experience. My heart is sad to even write this post... but life goes on.

All work and no play

J has been working around the clock, getting his new store ready to open. He gets up at 6, starts work at 8, works often til 10 at night, then goes home and goes to bed.  Between my work schedule and his, we barely talk. He texts me off and on when he can, but that's about it. I am okay with it because it will only be for a few weeks, and he really needs the money! And also he is trying to prove what a good worker he is so he can stay on after the store opening. I don't feel as lost as I thought I would. I mean, I miss him, and its weird not to get nightly reminders, but I don't feel like a ship without a captain. I am used to running things by myself, having been single for 7 years. I love having him around, don't get me wrong, but I also feel confident in my abilities to handle things when he is not around. I think this signals that there is more melding to do. I don't feel dependent upon him, and I want to. I want to miss him and his presence more than I do....